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"Mother and Child" are the medical centers for reproductive health. MC "Mother and Child" specialize in the treatment of infertility, pregnancy monitoring, prenatal diagnosis, gynecology and mammalia. Annually, the Medical Center for Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child" helps hundreds of married couples to become happy parents. Our specialists take care of the psychological comfort of each patient, as well as adhere to the conditions of confidentiality. Professionalism and striving for perfection Each of our doctors is a professional with many years of experience in the application of auxi... 展开

"Mother and Child" are the medical centers for reproductive health. MC "Mother and Child" specialize in the treatment of infertility, pregnancy monitoring, prenatal diagnosis, gynecology and mammalia. Annually, the Medical Center for Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child" helps hundreds of married couples to become happy parents. Our specialists take care of the psychological comfort of each patient, as well as adhere to the conditions of confidentiality.

Professionalism and striving for perfection

Each of our doctors is a professional with many years of experience in the application of auxiliary reproductive technologies. These are doctors of the highest qualification category, candidates of medical sciences, doctors of sciences. Most of them are members of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), as well as the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM).

Specialists of MC "Mother and Child" regularly attend domestic and international conferences, trainees and exchanges of experience with colleagues abroad, share knowledge, speaking at seminars and congresses. For the introduction of advanced technologies and world standards into the Ukrainian Mother and Child medical centers, our leading team of etiologists from Israel Eli Ghev joined our team last year, which introduced in our MC an invaluable experience of Israeli colleagues in the treatment of infertility. We are constantly improving, introducing revolutionary treatment methods, purchasing modern high-tech equipment and improving the level of service.

Friendly and responsive

Examination and treatment in our medical centers is not only medical procedures but also the most comfortable, good-natured atmosphere surrounded by a professional team. We will protect you from the moment of our first acquaintance, we will support during treatment, together we will rejoice in successful results and we will share the happiness of the birth of a long-awaited child!

Our doctors will take care of your comfort and tranquility, give your attention and warmth every visit to the medical center. Positive attitude and confidence in success are extremely important on the way to happy motherhood!



就诊医生:瓦拉玛·甘瑟皮帕猜医学博士 患者印象:乌克兰MC诊所医生态度好/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:妮莎拉医生乌克兰MC诊所辅助生殖技术的学术临床主任 患者印象:乌克兰MC诊所医生对患者耐心/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:沙西坎乌克兰MC诊所治疗不学症专家 患者印象:乌克兰MC诊所医生诊断认真/待病人和善/医术精态度好
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乌克兰MC诊所 辅助生殖科

佤啦婉博士 佤啦婉博士 博士

乌克兰MC诊所 辅助生殖科

维瓦博士 维瓦博士 博士

乌克兰MC诊所 辅助生殖科

他以其极高的专业精神和平易近人而在患者中广为人知,他的团队致力于为患者提供提供不同试管婴儿方案,确保每一位患者都能实现自己的梦想。... 详情