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Founded by OB-GYN specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitak Laokirkkiat, Genesis Fertility Center (GFC) is a medical center offering complete and all-round services specially for people with infertility. Together with the team of skilled and trustworthy medical specialists, GFC propels itself towards the mutual goal of “fulfilling every family’s dream” by designing and developing a full range of services with our fully attentive mind and careful curing procedure. GFC utilizes modern techniques for each patient to thoroughly track the problem of infertility back to its root and diagnose for the mo... 展开

Founded by OB-GYN specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitak Laokirkkiat, Genesis Fertility Center (GFC) is a medical center offering complete and all-round services specially for people with infertility. Together with the team of skilled and trustworthy medical specialists, GFC propels itself towards the mutual goal of “fulfilling every family’s dream” by designing and developing a full range of services with our fully attentive mind and careful curing procedure. GFC utilizes modern techniques for each patient to thoroughly track the problem of infertility back to its root and diagnose for the most possible and accurate outcome. Furthermore, all of our personnel are fully ready to counsel our patients with professionalism to improve the readiness of each patient’s physicality and mentality for the most successful rate of pregnancy.

Every of our above-board and standardized steps will keep our patients on the same page with our friendly personnel. In this warm medical center is surrounded by welcoming nurse team and highly experienced medical team when it comes to raising perfect embryos. Each of our patients will also receive individual cost estimate report for the greatest relief during every process. And because we absolutely understand every family’s concern, it is why your success is always our first priority.

Today, with advance innovations and expertise of our doctors and personnel, GFC has successfully become Thailand’s most outstanding infertility treatment center where it provides the widest range of services and the most modern assisted reproductive technology.



就诊医生:瓦拉玛·甘瑟皮帕猜医学博士 患者印象:泰国创世纪生育中心医生态度好/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:妮莎拉医生泰国创世纪生育中心辅助生殖技术的学术临床主任 患者印象:泰国创世纪生育中心医生对患者耐心/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:沙西坎泰国创世纪生育中心治疗不学症专家 患者印象:泰国创世纪生育中心医生诊断认真/待病人和善/医术精态度好
美国试管医院 泰国试管医院 格鲁吉亚试管医院俄罗斯试管医院


玛祖博士 玛祖博士 博士

泰国创世纪生育中心 辅助生殖科

佤啦婉博士 佤啦婉博士 博士

泰国创世纪生育中心 辅助生殖科

维瓦博士 维瓦博士 博士

泰国创世纪生育中心 辅助生殖科

他以其极高的专业精神和平易近人而在患者中广为人知,他的团队致力于为患者提供提供不同试管婴儿方案,确保每一位患者都能实现自己的梦想。... 详情