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With its latest equipment and highly qualified staff, Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a healthcare facilitymeeting modern standards, which focuses on providing top quality service to its patients. Mardaleishvili Medical Centre cares for the health of its patients with its equipment and highly trained staff. The services our clinic offers include diagnostic tests, surgical and post-operative care services. Department of head and neck tumors, breast care, gynecological, abdominal surgery, thoracic surgery, chemotherapy and cell therapy departments operate within the center. Diagnostic departmen... 展开

With its latest equipment and highly qualified staff, Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a healthcare facilitymeeting modern standards, which focuses on providing top quality service to its patients. Mardaleishvili Medical Centre cares for the health of its patients with its equipment and highly trained staff. The services our clinic offers include diagnostic tests, surgical and post-operative care services. Department of head and neck tumors, breast care, gynecological, abdominal surgery, thoracic surgery, chemotherapy and cell therapy departments operate within the center. Diagnostic department also functions within Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, which has modern equipment and practically all types of diagnostic tests can be carried out here.

Best surgeons care for patients in operating rooms with latest-generation equipment. Post-operative care services further distinguish the clinic where friendly and well-trained medical staff constantly takes charge of fast recovery of the patients.

Genome Research and Diagnostic Center successfully functions within Mardaleishvili Medical Centre as well. The mentioned studies are widely used worldwide because they provide information on genetic mutations and predisposition of a person to various cancers. Point mutations and chromosomal aberrations accurately define the nature of cancers, provide prognosis for the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease and ensure making highly effective decisions in treatment process. This saves resources of patients and raises likelihood of successful treatment.



就诊医生:瓦拉玛·甘瑟皮帕猜医学博士 患者印象:格鲁吉亚MMC医院医生态度好/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:妮莎拉医生格鲁吉亚MMC医院辅助生殖技术的学术临床主任 患者印象:格鲁吉亚MMC医院医生对患者耐心/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:沙西坎格鲁吉亚MMC医院治疗不学症专家 患者印象:格鲁吉亚MMC医院医生诊断认真/待病人和善/医术精态度好
美国试管医院 泰国试管医院 格鲁吉亚试管医院俄罗斯试管医院


玛祖博士 玛祖博士 博士

格鲁吉亚MMC医院 辅助生殖科

佤啦婉博士 佤啦婉博士 博士

格鲁吉亚MMC医院 辅助生殖科

维瓦博士 维瓦博士 博士

格鲁吉亚MMC医院 辅助生殖科

他以其极高的专业精神和平易近人而在患者中广为人知,他的团队致力于为患者提供提供不同试管婴儿方案,确保每一位患者都能实现自己的梦想。... 详情