Innova is a multidisciplinary clinic that was opened in Tbilisi in October 2015. It offers comfortable and high-quality services to patients. The clinic is equipped with the newest technologies of modern standards.
Innova was founded with the partnership of leading doctors and business partners. The clinic has a high-tech diagnostic center, 8 operating units, 30 resuscitation rooms and 70 in-patient departments.
The clinic offers services in the field of neurosurgery, orthopedics, traumatology, gynecology, general and plastic surgery, bariatrics, cardiology, neurology, angiology, reproductive medicine, mammalogy, endocrinology. The clinic has a radiology service, computed tomography, hormonal laboratory, X-ray, ultrasound and DXA-densitometric diagnostic mechanisms.
The clinic is an important platform for the development of medical services in Georgia, where operations and patient treatment are carried out by Georgian and foreign experts invited from abroad.
The clinic of reproductive health and in vitro fertilization “Innova In Vitro” was established in 2016 in partnership with IVI, the world’s largest network of assisted reproduction clinics.
Complete diagnostics and management of all infertility abnormalities pursuant to proven international standards is the key priority of the clinic. Specialists of the Clinic, in collaboration with IVI, take an integrated approach to the treatment of infertility including complex diagnostics and counseling services.
Highly trained experts in the field of Gynecology, Biology, Genetics and Surgery with 15 year in vitro fertilization experience form a medical team of Innova Clinic.
格鲁吉亚伊诺娃生殖健康中心Innova配备了最新的,最先进的设备,设施。包括高科技诊断中心,8个手术区,30张床的复苏床和70张床的医院。Innova医疗中心是一家拥有生殖科、妇科、内分泌学、神经外科、骨科、创伤学、普通整形外科、心脏病学、神经病学和血管学的大型综合医院,由格鲁吉亚最富盛名的妇科/内分泌/生殖科专家KETEVAN OSIDZE出任主任医生,而胚胎科主任由IVI集团指派西班牙专家Jordan Garcia Ortega担任。INNOVA依靠专业的服务、严谨的流程、超高的成功率,迅速成为整个格鲁吉亚及外高加索地区不孕不育治疗以及试管婴儿成功率的标杆。
2016年7月,由Ketevan Osidze领导的Inova开设了生殖健康和体外受精诊所。
1、 伊拉克里托杜阿(IRAKLI TODUA)
2 、塔玛德佐尼兹医生
GOCHA CHUTKERASHVILI医生是Inova医疗中心神经外科医生,从2015年至今-神经外科Inova医学中心临床主任,世界和欧洲联盟神经外科协会会员,擅长俄语和英语。