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Learn about our fertility clinic in Kiev, Ukraine. Find out more about our services, equipment, and staff. Then take a 3D tour to see it for yourself. Ukraine is a stunning country. Good food, wonderful people, and incredible views, the country has so much to offer anyone who’s lucky enough to visit. These are just a few of the reasons we chose Kiev as the spot for our comprehensive Medical Clinic. Ukraine has a number of other perks that we can easily extend to our clients. Included cheap travel within Europe, low medical and accommodation costs, but perhaps most importantly- some of the be... 展开

Learn about our fertility clinic in Kiev, Ukraine. Find out more about our services, equipment, and staff. Then take a 3D tour to see it for yourself.

Ukraine is a stunning country. Good food, wonderful people, and incredible views, the country has so much to offer anyone who’s lucky enough to visit. These are just a few of the reasons we chose Kiev as the spot for our comprehensive Medical Clinic. Ukraine has a number of other perks that we can easily extend to our clients. Included cheap travel within Europe, low medical and accommodation costs, but perhaps most importantly- some of the best providers in the world.

Ukraine offers excellent medical facilities, with top providers and cutting edge equipment. All at a fraction of the cost that you can come to expect from other fertility treatment centres. Better still- we’re driven to provide you with the best experience possible and offer many of our respected reproductive services all under one roof.


Our medical clinic is located in the beautiful capital city of Kiev. We offer each of our clients a comfortable environment and an incredibly capable staff. At ilaya, we understand that it’s a difficult, but exciting time for many of our clients. We want to make sure that each and every one of our customers feel valued and at home in our clinic. This is why we’re constantly striving to provide you with all of the creature comforts you could desire, seamlessly integrated with our wonderful staff and state-of-the-art equipment and laboratory.

We are always adapting to meet the needs of our clients and provide our staff with the facilities that allow them to do what they do best – take wonderful care of you and your family. We use all of the best equipment and specially designed our centre to make it easy to navigate, while still feeling clean and inviting. Bright colors welcome new visitors and our multilingual staff strives to always make you feel at home.



就诊医生:瓦拉玛·甘瑟皮帕猜医学博士 患者印象:乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心医生态度好/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:妮莎拉医生乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心辅助生殖技术的学术临床主任 患者印象:乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心医生对患者耐心/经验丰富/值得敬佩

就诊医生:沙西坎乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心治疗不学症专家 患者印象:乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心医生诊断认真/待病人和善/医术精态度好
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乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心 辅助生殖科

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乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心 辅助生殖科

维瓦博士 维瓦博士 博士

乌克兰伊莱雅辅助生殖医疗中心 辅助生殖科

他以其极高的专业精神和平易近人而在患者中广为人知,他的团队致力于为患者提供提供不同试管婴儿方案,确保每一位患者都能实现自己的梦想。... 详情